Module 4 (B1) Module 4 (B1) quiz contains 20 question based on the syllabus for module 4 examination for B1 category. The time limit for the quiz is 25 min. The number of attempts allowed are unlimited. All the best. Name 1. A position gyro will provide positional feedback velocity feedback acceleration feedback None 2. Using electron flow in a diode the current flows from Anode to Cathode Cathode to Base Cathode to Anode None 3. A resolver synchro output is obtained from a rotor with three coils at 120° to each other one single coil two coils at 90° to each other None 4. In a rate servo (speed control) the signal into the servo amplifier is input voltage plus position feedback voltage input voltage minus tachogenerator output input voltage plus tachogenerator output None 5. In an integrated circuit, the components are mounted by a three dimensional process with no connections between them required metal oxide film etched onto the surface wires connecting them using conformal coating None 6. A germanium diode is used for rectification voltage stabilization modulation None 7. A differential synchro rotor consists of three windings at 120° apart two windings at 90° apart one winding parallel to the transmitter rotor None 8. A decoupling capacitor in a PCB is used to pass AC only minimise transient currents pass DC only None 9. What type of pulse is required to switch on an SCR? Negative Positive or negative Positive None 10. In a slab desynn transmitter the pickoffs form part of the circuit resistance pickoffs rotate on the slab resister pickoffs are connected to a spark suppressor None 11. To decrease the voltage gain of a common emitter amplifier you would increase the resistance in the base circuit emitter circuit collector circuit None 12. What component is used to turn AC to DC? Thyristor Diode Transistor None 13. When a servomotor has stopped, the rate feedback from a tachogenerator is maximum and antiphase zero maximum and in phase None 14. The 'null' point in a control synchro is when the two rotors are at 90° to each other parallel to each other wired in series None 15. The term 'velocity lag' refers to a speed error position error acceleration error None 16. In a PNP transistor, conventional current will flow when the base is more positive than the emitter the collector is more positive than the emitter the emitter is more positive than the base None 17. For correct operation of a transistor, the following conditions must apply The base collector junction must be reverse biased and the base emitter junction must be forward biased For an NPN transistor the base emitter junction must be forward biased and for a PNP transistor the base emitter junction must be reverse biased The base emitter junction must be forward biased and the base collector junction must be greater than 0.7 volts None 18. In the circuit diagram shown, R1 and R2 are used to set the transistor gain set the DC bias level increase the base voltage None 19. An integrated circuit is manufactured by etching copper tracks onto an insulating board computer hardware, which use individual circuits on ribbon doping impurities into layers of intrinsic material None 20. In an AC rate servo, a steady input will result in the servomotor oscillating about a new datum rotating at a constant speed rotating to a new datum position None 1 out of 1