Module 4 B2 Module 4 B2 quiz contains 40 question based on the syllabus for module 4 examination for B2 category. The time limit for the quiz is 50 min. The number of attempts allowed are unlimited. All the best. Name 1. When the two input terminals of a diff amp are grounded The base currents are equal The ac output voltage is zero The collector currents are equal An output error voltage usually exists None 2. In a PNP transistor, conventional current will flow when the base is more positive than the emitter the collector is more positive than the emitter The emitter is more positive than the base None 3. ……………… ICs are the most commonly used Monolithic Thin films Hybrid None 4. An ideal value of stability factor is 100 200 1 None 5. An n-type semiconductor is positively charged negatively charged electrically neutral None 6. How PCB is protected after manufacture? With the help of wax It has non conductive varnish Conformal coating/Solder mask None 7. What is gain formula for Non- inverting amplifier? RF/R1 1+RF/R1 1–RF/R1 –RF/R1 None 8. In a PNP transistor, which way does conventional current flow? Base to emitter Collector to emitter Emitter to collector None 9. If light entering a photo transistor decreases, the current to the collector increases decreases remains the same None 10. The arrow in the symbol of a transistor indicates the direction of hole current in the emitter electron current in the collector electron current in the emitter donor ion current None 11. The common-mode rejection ratio is As high as possible Equal to the common-mode voltage gain Equal to the voltage gain Very low None 12. The most commonly used semiconductor material is Germanium Mixture of silicon & germanium Silicon None 13. If the value of the IC increases the value of the VCE Decreases remains same Increases None 14. LED is made of Silicon gallium arsenide Germanium None 15. Solder with ____mm to ____ mm diameter can be used for PCB work 0.75mm-1mm 0.075mm-1mm 1mm-10mm 0.075mm-0.1mm None 16. Yellow LED is made of gallium arsenide gallium phosphide gallium arsenide phosphide None 17. When a servo motor overshoots after a step input and oscillates it is Over damped Under damped Critically damped None 18. A transistor is a ......... operated device both voltage and current current voltage None 19. When a system is said to be in “null” Both When the rotors of TX and TR occupy the same angular position & Equal and opposite voltage is produced Equal and opposite voltage is produced When the rotors of TX and TR occupy the same angular position None 20. When SCR starts conducting, then ...............loses all control anode cathode gate None 21. The voltage gain of a transistor connected in common collector arrangement is equal to 1 less than 1 more than 100 more than 10 None 22. The atomic number of the atom is depend on the no. of protons + no. of neutrons no. of neutrons no. of protons None 23. ____ gives green or brown colour to PCB Etching Solder mask Silk screen None 24. What is the IC no. of OP-AMP IC743 IC741 IC 742 IC744 None 25. With a constant input to a speed control servo, the servo motor Moves to a certain position Moves at a constant speed Oscillates, but otherwise does not move None 26. Resistance measured using an AVO between the Collector and Emitter of a transistor is same both ways smaller Collector to Emitter higher Collector to Emitter None 27. ____ circuit is called as unity gain buffer Non inverting amplifier Summing Amplifier Voltage follower Inverting amplifier None 28. Which of the following is most difficult to fabricate in an IC? FET Capacitor Diode Transistor None 29. The ripple factor of a half wave rectifier is 0.482 1.11 1.21 0.812 None 30. Amplifiers may be classified as common emitter or common collector amplifiers Voltage amplifiers or power amplifiers voltage amplifiers or impedance amplifiers None 31. The knee voltage of a crystal diode is approximately equal to breakdown voltage barrier potential forward voltage applied voltage None 32. A resolver has 3 coils on the rotor and 2 coils on the stator 2 coils on the rotor and 3 coils on the stator 2 coils on the rotor and 2 coils on the stator None 33. Reverse rotation of a control transformer rotor can be caused by Connections between the transformer rotor and the amplifier reversed Connections to the transmitter rotor reversed Short circuit between two transmission lines None 34. Addition of another diode capacitor section to half wave voltage doublers creates a voltage regulator voltage Tripler voltage quadruple voltage doublers None 35. The collector of a transistor is ........ doped lightly heavily moderately None 36. A semiconductor has generally ........valence electrons 3 6 2 4 None 37. The forward voltage drop across a germanium diode is about 0.3 V 10 V 2.5 V 0.7 V None 38. Practical Input impedance of OP-AMP is 5mohm 1Mohm 2Mohm None 39. A Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is constructed of a plastic laminate which has bonded to one or both sides Various thicknesses of copper A thick sheet of copper A thin sheet of copper None 40. A non-inverting op-amp a non-inverting input connection only has a non-inverting input and an inverting output has an inverting input and a non-inverting output None 1 out of 1
sunil.v.rawat 29/12/2022 at 9:56 PM Hi We like to keep it like a quiz so we don’t disclose the answers if you have doubts you can send a message I will reply back with your doubts Since I teach at an AME clc as well I hope you would have passed mod 4 this time
answer key please
We like to keep it like a quiz so we don’t disclose the answers
if you have doubts you can send a message I will reply back with your doubts Since I teach at an AME clc as well
I hope you would have passed mod 4 this time
Nice question